Marina Hydeman's undergraduate research accepted in Ecology + Evolution!

Marina Hydeman worked with me way back in my Cornell grad school days. We had a great time at the African Amphibian Working Group conference in Ghana this summer where Marina presented the results of her newly accepted paper: Hydeman, Marina E.…

Marina Hydeman worked with me way back in my Cornell grad school days. We had a great time at the African Amphibian Working Group conference in Ghana this summer where Marina presented the results of her newly accepted paper: Hydeman, Marina E., Longo, Ana V., Velo-Antón, Guillermo, Rodriguez, David, Zamudio, Kelly R., Bell Rayna C. 2017. Prevalence and genetic diversity of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Central African island and continental amphibian communities. Ecology and Evolution (in press) doi:10.1002/ece3.3309. Congratulations, Marina!